Monday, October 31, 2005

spanish machos

Let's see if I can provoke any of my spanish friends here...

The news about the baby born of Mr. Felipe and Mrs. Leticia came also here. I can see spanish people placing bets on the baby being male or female...

of course spanish and italian cultures are so similar: in the italian language, when you are speaking of a group of feminine subjects doing something you refer them to the feminine adjective ("quelle ragazze sono BELLE"), but as long as there is only one man in that group, you refer everybody to the masculine adjective ("Quei ragazzi sono BELLI"). Of course you still use masculine if there's one female among many men (come on, OF COURSE)

this is to say that the spanish girl is going to become a princess (oh dear) IF AND ONLY IF there will not be any other male among the descendants of Felipe&Leticia... hold your breathe anyone...

maschilism rulez!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

taxed texts

The italian Senate is going to discuss some 3,000 items for defining the new Financial maneuver for 2006. Every party has the right (the duty) to propose new cuts in the costs, and of course the most relevant ones are evaluated in a common discussion among all the deputies.
These days the proposals are being evaluated for going into the discussion, so anybody can see what the deputies have proposed.

Amazing! Italy is the land of brainy people! Among others, somebody proposed to get 1 cent of an euro out of ALL sms texts, so believe it or not, to fill the horrendous gap of Italian Financial situation, everyone from 10-yrs old onwards will contribute, when writing any text... What if I send a very long text, splitted in two different texts, will it count as one or should I pay double? Maybe next time I'll send a text to somebody and write "...oh, and say hi to your friends, because I can't send too many texts". Other people who will contribute to the Italian deficit are the graffiti people: 2 euro of taxes out of every spray-can: if they want to ruin my wall, at least they should pay some taxes...

My proposal for new taxes:
1) 1 euro for having too much hair (especially on chest & shoulders), they waste our environment and are difficult to reuse
2) 2 euro for those spitting on the streets, unless they have a bag and a shovel to collect it (avoid sense of repulsion)
3) 1 euro for having mega-bass stereo on your car, 1.5 euro for blue lights under your car (avoid audio-visual waste)
4) 5 euro if you have any of the multitonal rings on your mobile (avoid feeling an idiot with your own beep-beep tone)
5) 3 euro for people overtaking others in the queue (do you want to be served faster? ok, but at least you pay)
6) 0.5 euro any 1 euro collected by beggars on the streets (they are getting my hard-earned, with a lot of sweat of my forehead money without any effort)

Thursday, October 20, 2005

money for dope

some days ago, one () of the nephews of Giovanni Agnelli (founder of FIAT) was recovered in an hospital for overdose. He is (was?) a brilliant manager inside of FIAT, designing T-Shirt and jumpers with the FIAT logo.
He took a cocktail of drugs, mixing them together during a party in a friend's house.
He felt in a coma, and one of the friends called an ambulance. This friend is a (relatively) well known transexual of Torino (), and other transexuals were in there.
The ambulance brought him to an hospital, not to a private clinic. Of course this news created embrace in his family, in Torino and in the whole Italy.

Of course I'm one of those people who falls for these news: even Johnny Depp admitted that he likes reading gossip newspapers when he's in the toilet

Italy is a wonderful place, anyway: why not bringing that jazz even louder? One of the most famous italian anchormen (mr Bruno Vespa) asked the father of the FIAT manager to come on a TV programme based on misfortunes of great families (kennedies, among others). Gee, maybe he could have revealed if the son was or not dressed as a woman when he was taken to the hospital.
Probably I would have watched it.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

have you seen this man?

two main things happened lately
first yoseph decided to have a nice three-months vacation in south-africa, after his graduation
the beauty of it is that he pretends to be working there! and somebody is paying him!!!

where are you yoseph? give us some news!! what about the plants? found anything interesting??

the second thing is that we live in london, close to russell square
we leave behind a shared house in tinkers bridge full of cats

guinea pigs

and other...

everything here is supersized compared to MiltonKeynes and massively stimulating
it's something you have to do once in your lifetime

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

missing genes

there must be some kind of physical laws:
some people (like me) are totally unable of continuing something more than twice. Take for instance this blog. People like my friends in Spain keep a diary of every small fly that passes in front of them, i don't blame them!! they're so persuasive that you dive in your own bloch and hope to do the same
why men (like me) can't follow maps? why people like israel opensource get lost ten times inside of a campus in two months?
why women (like ilaria) can't help filling every space with something?
why men say "yes" but they're not really listening?
why women say "oh you shouldn't go there we go together! oh, do you want to go yourself? ok, so could you buy me this and that and that?"
i miss the genes for buy cappuccino e not get my tongue burnt