Friday, October 27, 2006


Cheap flights come with cheap magazines which drive your attention away from the perception that you're some kilometers up in the sky inside a tin cilinder.

Cheap magazines contain useless stories, cheap humour and barbershop-like gossip. These days, cheap flights come with small biographies of famous enterpreneurs, to make you feel like a negligent piece of crap who is still flying on a 43cm long seat instead of any luxurious business class seats.

Cheap magazines tell you ambivalent stories. And they stay in-between like many other things in our recent culture. Nothing is black, nothing is white. Only countless shades of grey. This behaviour is cool; but its opposite is cool too. Felix Dennis is the founder of the man magazine Maxim and other needful ones. He founded a magazine of Kung-Fu in the 70's to cash out from the death of Bruce Lee. And he claimed in the cheap magazine that he spent some hundred thousands pounds in drugs, parties and whores in a year. That team work is for losers. Only tigers survive. And the predictable amount of "my dick is bigger than yours".

Everybody should be responsible for his/her own actions. I don't want to stay in-between anymore. Felix Dennis attitude revolts me. The attitude of sitting back silently revolts me more. Someone in the world is scaring people with the winner ideology for the masses. Scared people must reject this ideology: cheap magazines journalists should stand up and say to Felix Dennis: "what you just said will be with you always, when you will be sick and old and alone"


Anonymous said...

The world is a small place. Do you know that the photo you used today was taken by one of my ex-students at UVic? I am almost sure you did not.

I amazes me that in these days of millions of Internet users we can still find each other serendipitiously.

Do you want to keep your students awake? Tell them the next 5 minutes will be in the exam, even if they are not ;)


Anonymous said...

During my last not-so-cheap flight, the in-flight magazine was running a story about buying trends in luxury markets. While I was reading the article, I was sitting on a shizzingly small seat and eating shizzingly untasty food. Plus, the attendant was a hugly, arrogant, overweight, mid-forties woman. Sometime world is black and white!

Andrea said...

have you ever experienced to meet long-known people "by chance" in large cities? Sometimes it happens, and when it does I'm not that surprised...

by the way, it looks like your student had an amazing teacher ;-)

what you say takes me back to this memeory: my wife and I come originally from a farmers' region, where people are traditionally very practical. I remember one of our relatives wishing to become one of the first hostesses, and her father claiming she won't become a slave serving nuts on a plane. In a sense, that work started as one of the most critical on a plane, while now it's a sort of a flying waitress...

That said, it always amazes me when I realise that I'm in the middle of an optimised service, that takes you to destination for a miserable amount of money, but yet it makes you pay in some other waysw

Anonymous said...

Avrei voluto scrivere un commento in inglese,ma ,alas! che lingua usare qui dove non ci sono confini? e poi la mia padronanza dell'inglese avrebbe dato spunto per lazzi per i prossimi 2 o 3 post,e non voglio di sicuro rovinarti la scena:)
Detto ciò...


non cantato da quella deliziosa ugola d'oro di hillary duff (secondo me nome costruito ad arte con la signora clinton + la marca di birra preferita da Homer)
ma dagli incazzerecci Rage Against The Machine
"[...]To the rage built up inside of me
Fist in the air, in the land of hypocrisy[...]"

E come ultima considerazione.. è decisamente meglio che il mondo non sia bianco e nero..come dimostrano gli ultimi episodi calcistico-legali italiani capitati a squadre di questo colore.

Fabio said...

The re-design looks good. I most definitively need tips. I can suggest a fantastic movie for your week-end in exchange.

Andrea said...

da quando ho parlato di tool, e qui si citano i rage, ormai in class non vedo altro che magliette incazzose... non sarà facile all'esame!

lately, rather than a black dog, you look like more dazed and confused (with your own fake blond hair, of course!!)

this is blogger-beta, nothing else but following twenty-thirty links and your conversion is done! And you know that we are quite sensitive to your advices...

Anonymous said...

The world is indeed a small place Daniel.

@andrea I don't think we've ever met, but I'm often wrong about these things.

While I'm flattered that you've used my image here, and very happy that you've retained the copyright border, I really do take issue with you hot-linking into my site. You're using a free service, you can upload photos there. I'm paying for the bandwidth on my site, which you're also using for free.