Tuesday, October 11, 2005

missing genes

there must be some kind of physical laws:
some people (like me) are totally unable of continuing something more than twice. Take for instance this blog. People like my friends in Spain keep a diary of every small fly that passes in front of them, i don't blame them!! they're so persuasive that you dive in your own bloch and hope to do the same
why men (like me) can't follow maps? why people like israel opensource get lost ten times inside of a campus in two months?
why women (like ilaria) can't help filling every space with something?
why men say "yes" but they're not really listening?
why women say "oh you shouldn't go there we go together! oh, do you want to go yourself? ok, so could you buy me this and that and that?"
i miss the genes for buy cappuccino e not get my tongue burnt

1 comment:

Israel Herraiz said...


I only got lost nine times, no ten!

Well I must admit that I also got lost twelve more times in MK while looking for the path to the OU/my house/the supermarket/choose your favourite location, but there is a good point: I discovered a lot of places in MK while riding missing in my bike (well, really, I don't remember where that places are, but at least I took a look at them).

And I don't write every thing that passes in front of me (umm, wait a moment...., I am writing a new entry in my blog,.... I am back) :-P