Tuesday, June 13, 2006

when fact is fiction TV is reality

united 93 is the movie related to the events happening on one of the four planes which allegedly were hijacked by terrorists to crash on specific targets around US. Three of them hit their targets, and the movie tries to explain what happened to the fourth one, and why it couldn't reach its final destination.

there are some theories on what could have happened on that plane, different from the original version of the facts. There are also well-documented, extensive documentaries about what could have happened in the tragic day of september 11th.

I had strong feelings on what I have seen, which make my veins tremble with anger, and useless frustration: one was getting to know, once again, that in these absurd, dehumanised, horrible cases, what you are shown is something digested and pre-processed by someone else. That isn't even censorship any more. That's managing emotions and feelings, moulding brains, building the breath of the nation into one single stream.
Also, what I experienced during the movie was something new and violent and unexpected: my brain could not filter the facts on the screen. It is for real and you can't excape that. On internet you can find all sorts of weirdo movies, hard scenes, bloody imagery, and what you are left with is some numbness, the inability to tell what's true, what's giving you emotions, what's a plot, what's made for my voyeurism. United 93 gives shape to real feelings of real people, and you can't fool yourself anymore.

I could resist and avoid to have a look at Nick Berg's humiliation. My brain refused to take that. I had to refuse some scenes of United 93 by closing my eyes. Also to avoid to throw up my lunch over my friend Fabio

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