Saturday, October 07, 2006

love and hate

three moments when teaching is frustrating
- you enter in a classroom where the air is hot and thick, and you are sure everyone will be sleeping
- you see someone really sleeping
- your mouth is dry and you forgot to take water with you and the words come out like small bricks

three moments when teaching is gorgeous:
- you think "now it would be nice someone took notes" and they actually take notes of what you say
- you are approached by students after the lecture, explain once again, and they tell you "smashing"
- you see someone in the audience with a TOOL t-shirt (this single reason is stronger than the three weak points)


Fabio said...

Va beh dipende da chi ti fa le domande alla fine immagino. Se te le fa Philip, il secchione occhialuto del primo banco o se invece ti si avvicina con passo felino la rossa Samantha.

Anonymous said...

I am a student and you teach me in Level 2 Software Engineering.. It is my understanding that you like TOOL.. and when I next see you, I will shake your hand! You ROCK!



Andrea said...

that's another one to add to the good points of teaching

Andrea said...

fabio, samantha ultimamanete cia' l'anca un po' sghiscia, e cammina tutta un po' cosi', altro che gatta, mentre di secchioni noi non ne vogliamo

anzi, prossima volta per cambiare un po', dichiaro autogestione in classe, guarda

Andrea said...

insegno ingegneria del software a lincoln, in inghilterra. Che dici, dovremmo mettere su un blog sull'argomento "trucchi e perizie dell'insegnamento creativo"...?

A volte mi sembra di fare il saltimbanco, piu che il prof...